Amazing and stunning!
Description: Half day moderate hike to a lookout point where you can watch the active crater (Santiaguito) of the Santa Maria volcano located near the city of Quetzaltenango or Xela.
Classification: moderate demanding.
Altitude: 2,500 mts. (8,202 ft.) above sea level.

We invite you to visit us...
Price: Contact us for prices and possible itineraries: or
transport, guide and admission included
Minimun: 2 persons
Basic Information.
Duration: Half day.
Ascent: 2.0 hours up hill.
Required equipment: hiking shoes, warm jacket and clothing, small backpack.
Best time to do this excursion: from November to April when there's no rain. It's always cooler in the mountains.
Weather: normally the temperature is freezing in the evening, night and early morning.
Basic requirement: To be in good physical and mental conditioning, not to be sick.
Feel free to contact us with questions or special requests: